Herzlich Willkommen

Wir freuen uns den Vorständen und den Gartenfreunden unseres Territorialverbandes und allen Besuchern unsere Webseite zu präsentieren.

Unsere Geschäftsstelle:
Unsere Geschäftsstelle befindet sich auf der Frederic-Joliot-Curie-Straße 44.
Unsere Öffnungszeit: 
Dienstag 09:00 Uhr bis 12:00 und 13:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung! 

Telefon:  03591/42375 oder 
Mail:  Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Fax:      03591/531 454

Special Offers

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Frozen Food

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Eggs and Cheese

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Seasonal Fruits

Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming.

Vegetable Boxes

A selection of fresh, seasonal producedelivered straight to your door.

Our Cheese

We love our cheeses, and would be happy to put together a selection for you. Let us know how much

Our Farm

A selection of fresh, seasonal producedelivered straight to your door.


To qualify for wholesale pricing you must buy from us in bulk quantities. For some customers that might be a pallet of lemons, or for others it could be a 10kg box of carrots for juicing at home.

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How do I know it is Organic?

  • All pre-packaged organic food products in Europe which meet organic standards carry the “Euro-Leaf” EU organic logo. The logo also helps you to identify the place of farming e.g. Quisque fringilla sit amet dolor commodo efficitur. Aliquam et sem odio. In ullamcorper nisi nunc, et molestie ipsum iaculis sit amet.